Real estate transactions and disputes can be complex, often requiring legal expertise to navigate effectively. When you find yourself in need of an attorney to handle real estate litigation, it's essential to choose the right professional to protect your interests.

Understanding Real Estate Litigation:

Real estate litigation encompasses a wide range of legal matters related to property, including disputes between buyers and sellers, landlords and tenants, or property owners and neighbors. Common issues include breach of contract, property line disputes, zoning issues, foreclosure defense, and more. When faced with these challenges, having a skilled attorney by your side is crucial.

1. Attempt to Resolve:

It may seem rudimentary, but we encourage all clients to seek a resolution on their own before seeking counsel. Engaging an attorney on a litigation matter typically involves a large retainer. Any attempts to resolve or settle the matter on your own is always a good start.

2. Collect Evidence

Start collecting relevant documents and photographs in a file to bring to your initial consultation. The meeting will consist mostly of hearing your side of the story, but the evidence you bring will help us to research and create a foundation for your lawsuit. Don’t try to interpret what you think is important, bring it all and let the attorney tell you what will help.

3. Schedule Consultation:

The initial consultation is an important step to review your case and make sure we have a good working relationship. Litigation is often lengthy and stressful. If the attorney/client relationship is not strong from the start, it can create unnecessary stress for both sides. We will ask questions to establish the strength of your case and research the likelihood of success. The meeting can take anywhere from thirty minutes to three hours depending upon the complexity of your case.

4. Fees and Costs:

Depending upon your case, we will be able to quote you a retainer fee at the end of the meeting or will follow up with you in a few days. Every case is different and we may have to analyze the facts of your case against what we have to prove in court. We consider how difficult it will be to draft the complaint, prove the case, and potential problems that could result in a long, drawn out fight when giving our quote. The retainer covers the costs of initial research and drafting of the complaint to initiate the case. Once the case advances, you can expect additional billing.

5. Expectations:

Litigation often is more expensive and time consuming than people expect. Cases that may seem straight forward can still drag out for several years. We try to set a clear expectation for all our clients that they should not expect a quick resolution.

8. Result:

At Floss Law, we only accept cases we believe we can win. If you have loaned money for a real estate deal, have not been paid for work at a property, did not receive your commission from closing, or a partner has disappeared with your money from a real estate investment, we will fight on your behalf to recover your money. Real estate is filled with individuals that will not pay until you force it from their hand. You need a strong advocate on your side to let them know this is one of the times where they will have to pay.